Trend line of BMTI visualizers of Baltic Indices

What is the trend line?

The curves of the BMTI visualizers (BDI, BCI, BPI, BSI and BHSI) are based on the daily index values of the Baltic Exchange. For every index we offer three different diagrams, displaying the index development over the last six months, the last ten weeks and the last ten days, respectively. Every diagram shows two curves. The black line corresponds with the actual daily Baltic Exchange (BEX) values. The dotted line represents the trend variation.

What is the trend line telling us?

The trend line is based on the averaged values taken from the preceding time period. For the six-month graphic we calculate the average value of the previous month, for the ten-week graphic we take the average value over the last three weeks and for the ten-day graphic the average is measured over the last three days. This means, for example, that the trend line value for day Y on the diagram corresponds to the daily BEX value average for this index between time period X up to Y.

What is the advantage of the trend line?

The BMTI trend line assists our readers to interpret the current index movement by providing you the possibility of comparing the actual BEX rates with the trend graphic, composed from the averaged rates of the recent past. For example, when the curve of the actual BEX rates crosses the trend line in a downward direction it indicates a trend reversal in the negative sense. If the actual BEX curves lie higher than the trend line it means that the current rates are higher than the average rate in the respective previous time period.

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