Research Study – Short Sea on the Move [V] – Future Prospects into 2024-2027

Short Sea on the Move [V]: Future Prospects into 2024-2027

short_sea_on_the_move_what_to_expect_from_2024 Just released…
BMTI is pleased to announce publication of the newest edition of Short Sea on the Move (SSOTM), the landmark study of the European short sea sector in its modern incarnation. Now in its fifth edition (2024), SSOTM-V shows the short sea shipping industry from multiple angles: financially, geopolitically and speculatively. This edition also boasts an expanded coverage of modern ship design with a special focus on the next generation of propulsion technologies to include soon-to-be-delivered ships. Such advancements covered in this SSOTM include ships fitted with electric engines, hybrid engines, ammonia-burning engines as well as VentoFoil® sails and even the cutting edge of hydrogen propulsion.

SSOTM-V analyses the current state of the European short sea shipping fleet with granular data, trend curves, multiple tables and near term freight predictions under various economic scenarios. Fleet tonnage is covered regarding both newbuilding and secondhand trends drawn from exclusive data collected by BMTI from its years of short sea analysis and reporting. Emerging geopolitical concerns (such as the conflict in Ukraine) and financial considerations (European shipping finance) are also covered in detail. BMTI’s SSOTM-V study takes present trends and market dynamics to portray the industy in its current state as well as what can be expected in the next generation of European short sea shipping.

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The content of SSOTM-V comprises:

  • World trade and European economic outlook
  • Geopolitical factors and their impact on trade routes
  • New emissions controls and their effect on ship design
  • Multiple examples of current coaster vessel designs
  • Modern ship propulsion technologies and solutions
  • The short sea ports of Europe and investment initiatives
  • Fluctuations in freight earnings and costs of operation
  • Maritime finance with a look at Europe’s main shipping banks 
  • Short sea fleet including distribution by country, type and size
  • Industry background and knowledge briefing in appendix form
  • Future prospects — Green shipping in the European fleet
  • Future prospects — Orderbook and freight earnings forecast

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