BMTI Far East Handy Bulk – Week in Review (8 Oct 2018)

Coal freights on a 52,000 dwt Newcastle/Huangpu

A week of holidays in the Far East had a notable impact on dampening activity throughout the Pacific and Indian Ocean trade areas. Freights, however, remained miraculously solid and, in some cases, even mildly bullish with Pacific rounds fetching upwards of US$ 11,750 daily on modern Ultramax tonnage in the 58-62,000 dwt range. Such rates are as much as US$ 100-200 higher than a week ago, suggesting that charterers are willing to pay a little bit extra if only to secure employment before they rush off to the holidays. Period activity has been somewhat mixed but still present with larger Ultra­maxes of 60-64,000 dwt fetching up to US$ 15,500 daily on medium period deals for 4-6 months and 5-8 months of trading on worldwide redelivery. Indo­nesia rounds were also steady and barely shifted over the past week with the Tess 58 vessels fixing US$ 12,500-12,750 daily spot rates on trips from South China via Indonesia to EC India and as much as US$ 13,000 daily to WC India. Chartering activity is nonetheless subdued, and owners are hoping the week ahead will put an end to the dry spell as bro­kers and traders return to full business engagement. Like the larger Supramaxes and Ultramaxes, Handy­size activity was largely limited and sporadic across the eastern basin with holidays taking some of the blame. Freights were also largely unmoved in the past week with the lack of business contributing to a general holding pattern that kept the market in limbo until traders resumed their work. Freights for 28,000 dwt ships from Southeast Asia to NoPac via Australia continue to achieve about US$ 8,200 daily, just as they did at the end of September.

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